Future Skills: Future Skills: schools in the digital world

As part of its talent promotion activities and support for STEM subjects, the non-profit foundation WILO-Stiftung, which is managed in trust by the Wilo-Foundation, provides funding for school projects with a special focus on STEM, including digitisation in schools.

In this context, the WILO-Stiftung is supporting the programme “schools in the digital world” initiated by the Association for the Promotion of Science and Humanities in Germany and the Heinz Nixdorf Foundation. The aim of the funding programme is to accompany schools in their development in a digital world and provide active assistance. At the start of the project, each school is connected with a partner from the field of university teacher training, with a view to fostering a lively exchange between classroom teachers and those who work in teacher training. Across Germany, 18 tandems receive funding in the amount of 15,000 euros per school. This money can be used to cover the costs for designing or implementing of media concepts. All selected schools also participate in individual coaching activities, which are tailored to the needs of the schools and focus on achieving the schools’ goals in terms of school, staff and classroom teaching development in a digital world.

The WILO-Stiftung supports the “schools in the digital world” programme as part of its talent promotion activities, and also provides financial assistance so that schools can purchase technical and digital equipment such as laptops, tablets or 3D printers, and with this equipment implement projects with a focus on STEM subjects. The supported projects include, for instance:

  • Heinrich-Böll-Gesamtschule (comprehensive school) in Lütgendortmund (iPads for senior classes)
  • Heisenberg-Gymnasium (grammar school) in Dortmund-Eving (3D printers including accessories)
  • World Robot Olympiad participation
  • Leibniz Gymnasium (grammar school) Dortmund International School (science club)
  • Schiller-Gymnasium (grammar school) Hof (tablet class, 5th grade, STEM EC camps)
  • Freie-Montessori-Volksschule (elementary school) Berg, Hof (laptops for the PC room)

Funding partner


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