Purification of drinking water through filtration (Colombia)

The sustainable use of resources – water in particular – is essential, especially in areas where water is scarce. San Miguel de Sema in Colombia is situated to the north of Bogotá and has long dry spells. Using a simple but highly effective water purification method, some 30 households (approx. 250 inhabitants), an elementary school, a secondary school (approx. 200 pupils) and a church community are to be supplied with safe drinking water.

The installed purification system has a capacity of at least 5,000 litres per day. With its ultrafiltration technology, the system removes all pathogens without the addition of chemical substances and has a low energy consumption.  Since 2016, the Wilo-Foundation has been providing financial support to the pilot project of the Global Nature Fund (GNF).

Our funding partners:

The Global Nature Fund (GNF) is an international foundation for nature and the environment. The non-governmental foundation focuses exclusively on charity work. The Global Nature Fund was founded in 1998 with the aim to promote environmental protection and animal welfare.

Funding partner

Global Nature Fund
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Fundación Humedales