German-French Vocational Training Day
While France is struggling with high youth unemployment rates, large numbers of training vacancies in Germany remain unfilled. Demand for cross-border mobility in the form of traineeships, exchanges and internships is higher than ever. The German-French Vocational Training Day was launched in 2014 by the German-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry and now takes place annually in Paris. The training day, which has found its place as an important event in the German-French education field, is attended by many representatives from politics, academia, education and the business sector. The aim of the event is to foster exchange in the field of vocational training and lay the foundation for binational education projects.
The Wilo-Foundation has been supporting the German-French Vocational Training Day with a financial contribution since 2015. Its commitment reflects the foundation’s aim to support young people in finding the right career and promote vocational training.
Our funding partner:
The German-French Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK) is a voluntary alliance of 850 companies and institutions that have a significant interest in maintaining and expanding German-French business relations. It belongs to the global network of some 130 AHK offices in approximately 90 countries and has ideal capacities to support members and other companies in their international business activities.
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