Embassy concerts - an international opportunity for young music awardees
International understanding in our view can be significantly enhanced and maintained through arts and culture. Music not only inspires but also has the power to create bonds between countries and cultures. Based on this conviction, the Wilo-Foundation started in 2012 to support concerts hosted by German embassies abroad every two years, featuring award- winning musicians selected by the Cultural Committee of German Industry (Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI) in Berlin.
These concerts provide exceptional young musicians with the added opportunity of giving concert performances in an international setting and thus expanding their audience.
The concerts take place at German Embassies in European countries. The first such embassy concert featuring the award-winning musician Valentin Radutiu (cello) and Per Rundberg (piano) took place in 2012 at the German Embassy in Warsaw. The series continued in 2014 in the German Embassy in Paris with award-winning musicians Charles-Antoine Duflot (violoncello), Elsa Dreisig (mezzosoprano), and in 2016 with a concert in the German Embassy in Prague with the awardees Elisabeth Brauß and Fabian Müller (piano) and Menna Cazel Davies (soprano).
Our funding partner:
Cultural Committee of German Industry (Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e.V.) has supported arts and culture ever since 1951 and is helping to build a society in which culture is seen as an indispensable resource. The focus of its support is on young, relatively unknown talents. As well as supporting up-and-coming artists, the Kulturkreis initiates ground-breaking cultural projects with inherent role-model potential.